Friday, July 24, 2009

Toddlers & Tiaras...or "How to Screw Up Your Kids in One Pageant or Less"

So who’s watching the new season of Toddlers & Tiaras?

For the uninitiated, Toddlers and Tiaras follows around a small group of children who are set to compete in an upcoming beauty pageant as they practice (usually against their will), select outfits (the average “glitz” dress is $2,000!), get spray-tanned, practice “talent” (dancing age-inappropriately is a favorite) and so on.

I watched this reality show’s inaugural season last year for a few reasons.
  1. I'm from Texas, so I have a natural tendency to be interested in pageants of all sorts (well, except the Hooters and Hawaiian Tropic varieties)
  2. Over-the-top personalities always make for good reality TV (and most pageant moms and dads are pretty over-the-top)
  3. Plus, I enjoy judging mothers who subject their children to the pageant system.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll tell you that I was once in a kiddie pageant. Aside from not winning a thing, what I remember most is that one of the other contestants continuously taunted me by saying I was “a boy with long hair.” (That was way before I discovered that long-haired boys were pretty cool.) So, not only did I walk away a “loser,” my self-esteem was further shot to hell thanks to that mean girl’s comments (Yes Missy Greenway, I still remember.)

But anyway…

Season 1 of T&T was pretty entertaining, so I was marginally excited to see it back on the line-up. I TiVoed it and last night was ready for a light-hearted, mildly disturbing (in a good way) look at kiddie pageants (and the mothers who live vicariously through their children who enter them). Instead, I was left feeling very disturbed (in a bad way), kinda sad and ready to adopt AshLynn, one of the precious little contestants. (This from a gal who is happily child-free and plans to stay that way.)

I won’t go through the episode blow-by-blow (I can’t stomach watching it again), but here are a few of my observations about the major players:

Annette Hill, Director (and emcee) of the Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant

If you watched last year, you may remember Annette. This season, she’s much more animated and it’s painfully obvious she’s been hard at work perfecting her sound bites since last season. To her credit, she’s wayyyy less creepy than Michael Galanes, emcee of the “Little Miss Perfect Pageant” another cringe-worthy “reality” "pageant" show.

Eden Wood, Age 4

OK. I could just eat her up. She is a doll, despite her “diva” moments (what the rest of the world calls tantrums). During the pageant, however, she really creeped me out. Here she was, in full-on diva mode, but when her foot hit the stage she was immediately transformed into a Stepford child who was engineered to win pageants. Don’t get me wrong, she was good, but it’s a little eerie watching a child “turn it on” like that so quickly and easily. I can’t even flip the switch that quickly and I’ve had a lot longer to practice.

Cameron & Kevin ages 7 and 2 weeks respectively
(yes, 2 weeks…that’s not a typo)
Mom Michelle Treder is excited about Kevin’s first pageant and speculates that he may be the youngest child in the pageant (ya think?!).

Brother Cameron’s a cute kid, but I’m just not all about boys in pageants.

I'm bored.

BreAnne & AshLynn Sterling, age 6
Fraternal twins BreAnne and AshLynn compete against each other, although mom Jamie is quick to tell us BreAnn usually comes out on top (this is because AshLynn is “really skinny and a little bit larger-nosed than BreAnne.” – mom’s words…not mine). From the onset, it’s painfully obvious BreAnne is the favored daughter and AshLynne is the Cinderella of the Sterling family.

Not only does mom Jamie light up when she mentions BreAnne (a marked contrast to her countenance when discussing AshLynn) in the first 2-minute segment alone she shared these observations:

“BreAnne does look a lot like Mommy and is probably the prettiest out of the five [children]” (Did I mention mommy looks a lot like the bug-eyed runaway bride from a few years ago?)

“BreAnne stands out because she is outgoing, fun and full of life. And AshLynn is just AshLynn.”

“AshLynn usually wins princess, but BreAnne usually gets Queen.”

Sweet little AshLynn’s dress is ripped and she begins to cry after mom tells her she’s going to get points taken off. When she asks about wearing something else, Jamie tells her she has another dress coming, but that she’s pretty sure it will fit BreAnne (if you haven’t figured it out…BreAnne is the number one priority around the Sterling house as far as mom is concerned). But mom promised to sew the dress before the pageant. Obvious spoiler: She doesn’t.

The entire hour is one example after another Jamie puting BreAnne first. I’m sure Jamie will be interviewed on some web site saying it was the editing, but I don’t buy it. Even watching the girls interact with one another you can tell they aren’t close like sisters of that age should be, let alone twins. I’m sure this spirit of competition Jamie encourages, coupled with her blatant favoritism of one twin over the other has diminished any chance these girls have of ever forming a bond.

My hero of the episode is Jamie’s husband, the girls’ dad. I won’t ruin it, but I’ll tell you that this man is a saint. Not only does he put up with Jamie, he also seems like a good father who has his head on straight.

Of course, any feelings of hope I was starting to have for these girls is gone after watching their final clip:

BriAnne: I winned [sic].

AshLynn: You did not win.

BriAnne: I was the runner-up in our age group.

AshLynn: You don’t know, you were asleep.

BriAnne: Yes, mommy told me.

AshLynn: I win.

BriAnne: No me, me. Ask Mommy.

No, AshLynn. Don’t.


Anonymous said...

I just saw that episode and it infuriated me to see that mother emotionally abusing both girls! I immediately wanted to find blogs to let their mother know that she should be ashamed to call herself a mom. As a mother of two boys, I could NEVER favor one over the other. She is destroying Ashlynn's self esteem. DISGUSTING!

Devilish Southern Belle said...

Girl, I am so glad I have you on my google reader; I was afraid you'd deserted teh internets!

I have seen an episode or two of that show, and it always makes me feel like the best parent on the face of the earth. I was a bit disturbed by how into it all the stage moms are.

Are you by any chance still doing derby?

Less Than Reality said...

I almost cried when I saw this episode. I felt terrible for poor AshLynn, who aside from having a ridiculous capital L in her name, will never get the change to shine on her own.

If BreAnne is the only great one, why isn't only she in pageants?

(And mom is not cute, so if BreAnne looks like her, she's in for some trouble in the future.)

Jacklyn said...

Im not in pageants but i'm sure there not as bad as you think in my opinion. i actually like the show. It's amusing to watch and to see you wins. Everyone loves a good competition.The lord did plan that for them. If it works out or not. So I have my opinion u have yours. I for one agree with glitz pageants(make-up,spray tans, glitzy dress,fake teeth,fair pieces,etc.).It's just competiton.

RHunt said...

This is to Jacklyn: I agree that we all have our own opinions and I fully respect yours even though I disagree with it and think these pageants are over the top. HOWEVER, your comment that the "Lord did plan that for them" is the biggest crap I've ever heard. The Lord did not put these kids in the pageants and I would bet you that the majority of these kids would chose something else to do if given that choice. Personally, I think that if the Lord is watching he is just as disappointed in most of these parents as I am.

baleigh said...

Well I agree with jackyln.  Yes it was wrong for the mom to treat her that way but pageants aren't that bad. Like jacklyn said "it's just competition " . And it is . It's just another sport. It's fun for the girls in them. It's dress up for little girls. 

Anonymous said...

I am Barry Sterling the husband of Jamie Sterling and the father of the Sterling girls. I just want to let everyone know that my wife Jamie Sterling is an amazing Mother. She in no way plays favorites with any of our children. What you witnessed on this show was TLC and their production company editing 2 full days of taping for dramatic effect that painted Jamie in a bad light. She has done nothing but love and nurture our children for the last 6.5 years. She works tirelessly to care for all of their needs which I have to say is a very difficult job. I am lucky to have her as a wife and our children are fortunate that she is their mother.
For those of you who have criticized my wife’s appearance, how dare you look down your nose at someone else and mock their appearance. She is amazingly beautiful to me, and you have a problem with the way she looks, then you should look in the mirror and not be so critical. Again, I am lucky to have such a beautiful wife, and if you have a problem with someone’s appearance, then you should keep it to yourself.
We realize that doing this type of show was a mistake, and we are both working very hard to focus on our family and continue to be great parents. Yes, we should have made a better decision, and we’ve learned from that, and we aren’t putting our children in pageants anymore.
It is your right to make these comments, and as parents we are always trying to do a better job, but please don’t always judge someone by what you see on television, it is not always accurate. This time they were dead wrong.

Anonymous said...

Is that Missy Greenway from Burkburnett? Graduated in 1993.. Had to ask.. I dated her all through college.

Teeghan Armstrong said...

For all the people out there critizing glitz pageants...stop! Just stop! You hate that people are putting their kids on stage and having them judged. You're the ones judging them! You say that the moms are living through the kids...but what mom doesn't want stuff for their kids they didn't have? All moms do. I did pageants when I was a kid and loved them. My daughters Aubrie and Logan (6) love being in them 2. So go glitz or go home! It's my opinion and you have yours.

Denali said...

Forget toddlers and tiaras! U GOTTA check out little miss perfect! Season 2 just started and so far it's really good! I like lmp because the pageant is always really high glitz and that's what I love 2 watch! Go glitz or GO Home! Work it girls! said...

I don't even watch this rediculous show, but I caught a clip of a man in a wolf costume dancing sexually inappropriately with one of the underage contestants. I just want to know if anyone else thinks that this is one of the most disturbing things that has ever been aired on T.V.? I believe that we all need to take a stand against this nausiating abuse of free speech (or free use of child pornography). Who is with me? you can directly email me if you wish. We all need to take a stand. I have 2 girls and I want to protect them from this "new" world that is trying to ruin them.

Dakota Bleu North said...

To the person that just wasn't a man in a wolf costume dancing with her! It was her mom! And she won (mostly because OF the wolf routine). She was gorgeous on stage (U go Lexi!) and worked it! I enjoy the show and can't wait for the next toddlers and tiaras with Eden Wood and Taralyn Eschberger! Work it girls!

Dakota North said...

Hey I commented 3 days ago and just wanted to say I just watched the new toddlers and tiaras with eden, taralyn, and etc. It was incredibly glitzy and that's what I love to watch! Eden is the best of the usually! She's adorable and INCREDIBLE for 4! You rock sweetie! Good luck in the future Eden and Mickie! Your on your way! You have already dominated the pageant scene! U go girl! LUV YA! Forever Glitz, DAKOTA!

Baylee Dunlap said...

To Dakota who just commented, i know Eden is sooo cute! I've kind of not liked Taralyn since she beat faith on t&t (and she ran of the stage crying and STILL won grand! What's that about?!?) I looooved eden's doll! Eden already is a "doll" in facial beauty(and of course her GORGEOUS glitz pageant clothes!) so the doll is perfect for her! Great job winning GRAND at Universal Royalty! My daughter (Erica Delanie Dunlap age 6) is in cheer(at Cheer Athletics) is currently working on sticking her landing on her full! She saw the show and turned to me and said "Mommy,I want a cheer doll!" Love my little cheer (and drama)queen! Wait to ago EE!

Anonymous said...

When i saw one of the Toddlers & Tiaras series, i was sooo frustrated with one of the mothers...Don't remember her name, but it was Sterling family. Poor girls, the mother acts awfully!! Oh,BreAnne is such wonderfull...Oh, AshLynn is not that good...How can you say that?! You are a BAD MOTHER! And after Ash Lynn won, you said "i didn't think it would be one of our girls, ESPECIALLY ASHLYNN"..excuse me, ESPECIALLY??? Wow, i am happy not to have a mother who compares me to the other sister..AshLynn is actually the one who is calm and nice girl, but as a mother, i would never say that to my daughters and infront of the cameras...
If BreAnne is SO the best, then why do YOU send them both?? HRRRR, makes me angry, i wish i lived in US or somewhere close, i would like to tell that to her face!

Allie Toms said...

I love these shows and usually don't see the moms don't usually bug me but jennene (spelling?) alcalar's mom really made me mad! Gosh she acted like her daughter was a pro! She called Eden's (and yes Eden Wood)routine boring when her daughter just walked around on the stage! Also Bella's mom on the sluther glitz episode(not the 5 yr old, the 3 year old) was just pushing and pushing her. But besides them I love the pageant pros (eden, taralyn, madi davis,etc.) Work it girls!

Anonymous said...

I read a few comments left about Eden ARE U KIDDING.. Yea this girl has the awesome attire & a great personality (ON STAGE) but she is SOOO far from being cute! Its a BEAUTY competition WHERES HERS?

Victoria said...

Jamie Sterling is a horsey-faced, big-tooth witch.

AshLynn is the prettier and nicer of the two, and Breanne ...well, since I can't say anything nice, I won't say anything.

The final clip broke my heart when that meanie Breanne (yes, she IS just like her mommy dearest) had that smug look on her chubby face and was rubbing it in AshLynn's adorable face that mommy told her SHE won.



As for Barry Sterling, he's been posting that defense of his wife, word for word, all across the Internet since the episode aired. Not placing your daughters in pageants isn't going to solve the problem, Barry. Your wife is the problem.

She is so obviously hateful to and disgusted by AshLynn. Pay careful attention and quit lying to yourself. Watch that video over and over again, and get her help and your daughter help before mommy destroys her self-esteem and her relationship with her sister.

Pageants are not the problem, and all of the viewers of that episode aren't suffering a mass delusion -- no amount of editing could put words in your wife's mouth or those looks of disgust on her face; it happened, and you should admit to and address the problem.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but i have commented on this but u aren't posting!!! Please post! It would be GREATLY appreciated by me and others!!! I want my opinion to be known! Thank you! please please please!

Erin Radford said...

Hey yall! I'm from texas and pageants are VERY common and normal here! My little girl Gracelyn is 6 and does glitz. BUT it's not like that's all she does!!! She's also a very successful competitive dancer and a mini lv 5 all-star cheerleader! She loves all these things dearly!

Lillian Max said...

Hey guys! I'm a pageant judge and it's crazy how far some people go! The girls are gorgeous though! And those are the ones that win! The chance of winning up to $10,000 goes to peoples heads sometimes! My daughter Auburn does pageants and she really loves to be on stage! Of course I can't judge her...or she would win everytime! Auburns twin sis Baylor does dance instead of pageants. They both LOVE what they do! They are both competitive and hard work activities...and we think it's worth it because they teach life lessons! U can't win every time! They have learned this through dance AND pageants!

PROUD pageant mom! said...

Why are you people saying that ALL pageants kids and moms are like the bratty ones on these shows! Just by seeing Jamie Sterling mistreat her daughter you start thinking and saying that all people associated in the pageant industry are horrible, bratty, and crazy people when they aren't! Go to a pageant...and you will see that it's not true! You bash those people and now when someone says "yea I'm a pageant mom" people give them disgusted looks! It's stupid and you don't know them you just label them "snotty" right off the bat! Disgusting! Wow...didn't think of it like that before did you? Didn't think so.

Maddy Elliot said...

Hey pageant lovers (and others who hate pageants but go to blogs and bash pageant people. Which I really don't understand.)!!! Toddlers & Tiaras season 4 is premiers tonight!!! Start you're pageant engines people and get ready cause it looks like it's gonna be HIGH glitz!!!

Haylee Travone said...

Hey I missed the premiere on Wednesday for toddlers & tiaras because I was at the movies!!! Does anyone know when and if it will re-air?!? Please I really want to see it!

Haylee Travone said...

Hey I just commented & I found the premiere of season 3 on YouTube!!! Makenzie was a BRAT! But...Daisy & Alex were cute and *SPOILER* I was disappointed that they didn't place in the supremes! Either way drama & high glitz=good tv!

Erin Radford said...

I was reading the comments (I previously commented a couple weeks ago) and I said that my daughter Gracelyn was a mini lv 5 cheerleader! Which wasn't right! Minis only go 2 lv 3!!! She is a YOUTH lv 5 and my other daughter Abbie is a mini 3! Sorry I mixed them together!!! Lol. I know it's NOT a big deal but I just didn't want someone saying "you don't anything about cheer so how do we know that you know stuff about pageants?" Sorry that's just me and my CRAZY mom mind! Lol. Just had to clear it up. :)

Anonymous said...

It was tragic to see that horrible Sterling woman and I would not be surprised if AshLynn's dress was torn by someone in the house who was jealous of her. Poor little Hope who had the stroke I just saw the episode last night her mother is triple horrible and should be gaoled. No wonder that poor child had a stroke. Mum is an overweight fat lazy trailer trash.

Anonymous said...

Gah, that was hilarious! I love watching that train wreck of a show. I live in Texas City which is over by Galveston. I also have many of your addictions. Rock Band is mine. I play a mean Livin' On A Prayer on medium level bass. Woo!! You got some damn funny comments on this post. Even mister Barry Sterling himself commented! Hilarious.

chantelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chantelle said...

that lady shouldnt have kids the way so picks between them is Disgusting.

child services should go and take them kids off that mother,
Breanne & Ashlynn Sterling are both beautiful looking girls and i dont know how someone could pick between them,
if poor ashlynn grows up hating or even worse killing her self becouse she has low self-esteem the only person to blame is that disgusting women who calls herself a mother

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian (Husband and Dad)...Congratulations on defending your wife...unfortunately you cannot blame the TV show or editing. The truth of the matter is your wife was caught on film being horrible to one of your children and is now suffering the consequences. I am glad to hear you are no longer doing pageants however are you going to ensure this behaviour is not going to continue at home? My hope was that you would have defended your daughter and ensured that her well being came before anything else - now I am not so sure. How can you or wife think this is acceptable parenting? I think everyone would like to hear from your wife that she is sorry and that she regrets her treatment of her daughter. Until then I think most of us will worry that neither of you have seen the error of your ways. Your wife is not a horrible person, plenty of parents have done worse. We all make mistakes...every single one of us....the important thing is to learn from them to improve our lives and those who we love. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy future together - loving each other equally. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi to all the mums who do pageants. I don't live in America but I am sorry to say it is a little creepy to watch how far you all go (and how much money you spend)just to win a trophy. Do you all realise that the kids are not naturally beautiful? The stuff you put on these kids to make them look better is scary - it's like telling your child 'well your cute but lets just cover you up, fix you up and pimp you up' just so you can look half way decent. It is no different to what the 'twins' mother was doing only she was more honest about it all. Also you do realise that they are only competing against a small number of girls and that there are thousands of kids out there who are prettier who just don't do pageants? Weird how some parents know their children are beautiful without having to be told by a group of strangers..Anyway each to their own...

Anonymous said...

If this was aired in England, authorities would have become involved and removed the children from the abuse that that excuse of a mother was subjecting them to. Allowing your wife to abuse your children like that is as bad as doing it yourself. Poor girls - all five of them, but particularly your beautiful daughter Ashlynn. I really hope something has been done and pray the girls get adopted by people capable of parenting them properly. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Saw this episode and I went to bed really upset at the obvious sadness in both AshLynn's eyes and voice , no amount of editing could of done that . I watched it with my young daughter and she asked me " why doesn't AshLynn's mommy like her ?" how can you answer that and to think that even a little kid could pick up on it . I really hope that social services have seen this and will help this sweet natured child. My heart goes out to her to think that she could be treated in such a way when it's so obvious that she's unhappy. I work with abandoned kids and I'm used to seeing that same look in their eyes and it haunts me that a mother could be taking pleasure in tormenting her like she was over her dress. with a room full of beautiful dresses including a new one coming AshLynn had to wear a torn one. What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Barry, but you cannot blame the fact that your wife looks bad on this show on manipulative editing. I do video editing for a living. It is clear that the producers did not force your wife to make these comments that came out of her mouth. You both should take responsibility for your actions (in your case, inactions) that will probably damage your kids. But I do agree that TLC is being parasitic for showcasing this child abuse for the sake of ratings.

With a mother like this, social services should be called and the children should be removed from the home permanently.

Can't take the heat Bar? Then learn how to treat your kids and don;t cop out by blaming TLC or "tricky editing" puleeze!

Anonymous said...

when i saw this episode with jamie sterling and the twins.. my heart started racing with anger and pain for ashlynn. jamie is a god awful mother and there's no way the editing made it seem that way. makes me absolutely sick. i feel so helpless knowing there's nothing i can do to save them from this witch. i don't like to point out people's physical flaws but the mother really is ugly inside and out. i pray something changes for this family. this is just demented.

Anonymous said...

I truly hope that when Jamie Sterling witnessed her narcissistic, abusive behavior she realized what a cruel and selfish parent she was.
I hope that she learned to be a better parent and human being.
If she has any sense she will get her ass into some much needed therapy and parenting and spousal classes before her husband quits her bullshit and takes his children with him.

No judge on earth would grant custody to someone proven to be perversely sadistic with her own children. Even in Texas.

L E E said...

Amen, readers!!!
I'm a new mom, and am slightly obsessed and repulsed by T & T , mainly because of the Sterling story. It reminded me on my own upbringing, and feeling like I was never good enough, no matter how hard I tried to be (prettier, thinner, better, smarter; fill in the adjective--> you name it, i tried to be it).
Also, of interest to some might be that the Sterling girls showed up again in a different pageant ( playing in the background of Season 2's airing of Little Miss Perfect. Funnily or saddening, depending on how you see it, BreAnn Sterling is seen crying, pouting or acting out in every clip, and sweet little AshLyn is, well, just being sweet. I wish the episode had focused on them although I want to give Jamie NO more publicity (+ reinforcement ) for her terrible parenting. Oh and get this, AshLyn was still in that yellow gown ( the torn one) and BreAnn was in another new gown!! Sickening!!!

Also, I found this comment on lilsugar's blog posted 2 months ago by anonymous9713 about Jamie Sterling ( is it wrong to feel some bit of satisfaction??? I'm praying for forgiveness regardless but for you fellow readers, read on):

"Jamie Dawn Sterling is ranked #1 on the TLC website of the nations top 10 most controversial parents Jamie Sterling is currently seeking divorce in Tarrant County courts She has 5 girls - 2 of which are twins that she forced to compete against each other Jamie has been under investigation with CPS Jamie is also lying to the courts by not admitting that she is currently pregnant Jamie’s boyfriend is NOT the father TLC has ordered the courts to seal the records in order to protect their reputation Jamies soon to be ex is moving to Austin without taking the children His name is Barry Sterling - he owns Sterling Energy - he does not know that his wife is expecting Jamie used to live in Keller now she lives in a leased home with her boyfriend in Frisco a 911 call has already been placed from that home by a child
I want to know why the records are sealed I want to know what the records and the court say"

I would like those records too...can TLC really get them sealed? I'm not a lawyer, so if anyone is and would comment , I'd be much obliged. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

@ Barry Sterling:

I realize this is so far after your post that you'll never see it, but really? Editing? That's the excuse you're going to give? TV editors can only work with what you give them, so the options here are 1) that TLC scripted all of this family drama, and that your wife (being the loving parent she is) agreed to verbally and emotionally abuse your 6-year old daughter for the sake of making it on tv. or 2) your wife is verbally and emotionally abusive towards one of your 6 year olds and was caught on camera while you did absolutely nothing to protect Ashlynn.

Those are the options. Either it's all fake, and you two are horrible parents for going along with it, or it is real and you two are horrible parents for treating Ashlynn this way. If Jamie was the kind, loving mother you say she is, phrases like "Breanne is the prettiest of the five," or "Breanne is fun, outgoing, and full of life. Ashlynn is just Ashlynn" would NOT have come out of that woman's mouth at all, regardless of whether she was on camera or just talking with friends.

I cannot believe that you, her father, could watch this happen, see the hurt in that poor little girl's face, and not do something about it. What that child needs is a mother who loves her unconditionally and a father who is willing to protect his little girl.

Grow some balls and start being a real father.

Robyn said...

After asking mommy no you did not win you are a loser I told your cutie sister she won you dummy! Jackalyn this is not normal comapition this is favoritism! But some girls love pageants but poor Ashlynn doesn't she would if mom said wow Ashlynn I am so proud of you when she wins insted of you loser you had won because of idiets takes away bear gives to briannie ashlynn cries mom laughs! Barry send Jamie to her iPad briannie too! If she does not I am sorry I just thought that she got a ton of 500 dollerd gifts! Well Barry need to hear jamie's say

Robyn said...

I am mad at Jamie
Sigh I live in pennselvanya far away if I lived in Texas Jamie would get a big scolding!
Briannie turn your iPad on! Ashlynn you are awesome I love you! Jamie if briannie gets a f what are you gonna do get her another toy oh and what happens when Ashlynn gets a b do you yell at her! Barry take Ashlynn with you! Jamie move to Philly so I can yell at you

Robyn said...

Move to Philly sterlings Barry learn the truth if you stick with her your fear Of her gets bigger barry take Ashlynn with you! Jamie if Ashlynn cries you probely celebrate right! If briannie cries over a toy you probely act like briannie's a victim of a major crime am I right! Ashlynn I love you
Briannie you are a spoiled brat

Robyn said...

Ashlynn said she doesn't like pageants because it's hard to win! I think because it's hard to win mean it's hard to win mommy's heart no matter how many crowns and trothies I get! I saw ashlynn's sad eyes and felt so bad for her! I think she's so cute! Ashlynn thinks she is not cute because of her dumb mother! Jamie this world is not about briannie remember heroes like john adams,Albert enstain and without Mr. Fleming you would probely not be alive or you would of never been born! Briannie remember about all the spoiled brats in movies like verica salt and anastsea and drezella!

Robyn said...

Ashlynn look everyone thinks you'r sweet and kind they feel bad! 2 fruits out of 3000 in the cup does not like you! Those 2 are Jamie sterling and briannie! People who you don't know are standing up for you! These people you do not know are better family then your mom and sister! Don't think you are bad because you'r not! Me and all these people love you! Ashlynn don't worry you'll be very sussceful if you work hard! Briannie will be a 16 year old who still throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants while you are driving a car and working hard! Briannie will end up being a nierrstick brat! You will end up living in a manshin and I thought while I was watching the episode on my iPad out of all those dresses all of the good ones are for Brinanie! She is getting a new dress and you'r mom won't let you wear the other dresses! The reasen probely is because she wants to himmelate you! I thought I heard I'll try to show it and if that doesn't work I'll rip it right off you!

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Anonymous said...

You know it's sad to see all these comments saying BreAnne is a brat or Eden is FAR from cute.
Yes, what they showed makes the mother look horrible but they may honestly have shown the worst of the worst, I mean people think they know realitiy shows and how they work but they don't.

They edit through everything to make it dramatic and drag that person's reputation through the mud. What happens if these girls are on the internet and see you picking them apart piece by piece when they don't even know your name.

You can't say it's wrong to judge someone's appearance and then do the same. It is just plain hypocritical whether or not you like them it's not nice. ESPECIALLY not on the internet where it can be viewed by thousands everyday.

konekoneko said...

i despise this disgusting sterling woman. i spent the entire episode trying to predict which psychological issues ashlynn would develop as a result of her abuse -- eating disorder, alcoholism? i don't know, but her future seems bleak thanks to her crappy excuse for a mother.

i realize that allegedly the sterlings are getting divorced and he may no longer care about his "beautiful" wife, but i find it preposterous that "barry sterling" (if that is truly he who commented) tells commenters to "keep it to themselves" if they don't like someone's appearance, yet apparently it is PERFECTLY FINE for jamie sterling to criticize her daughter ashlynn's appearance on NATIONAL TV.

and, jamie, sweetie, you are actually obscenely ugly. you should hope breanne DOESN'T look like you, not that i imagine you care all that much for her sake.

konekoneko said...

oh, and i'd like to add that pageants are fine, as long as the KID wants to do it.

when i was 6 i begged my mom to let me do a pageant, and although she didn't let me, i can't imagine i was the only girl who ever wanted to do a pageant with absolutely no pressure to do one from her parents. it's when these kids get forced and/or abused that there is a problem.

Margs said...

Literally, I'm watching this episode right now, and I was SO SHOCKED by Jamie's behavior towards her two daughters I had to see if others felt the same, or maybe my terrible-parent-radar was on the fritz. Evidently not. Even for reality TV this was pretty shocking....

Mergath said...

My God. I've seen some wretched mothers in my time, but after watching this episode on Netflix, I'd have to say that Jamie Sterling is right up there with the worst. That poor child. The sick part is that she really seemed to enjoy putting down the one daughter. What kind of monster gets a kick out of emotionally abusing her child? Ugh. Just disgusting.

Anonymous said...

you're a dumb fuckin prick. she favors breanne over poor ashlynn. stupid asshole go get some schooling & learn to treat your kids equally.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but no matter how much editing they did, she said what she said. Those words werent chopped up and put together. She used FULL sentences. She said who was the prettiest, the dresses. You're in serious denial. We saw enough. These kids are going to be messed up when they are older.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You're a winner.

Anonymous said...

Would love to know how the girls are doing now if anyone knows

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you say you should never mock anyone for their appearance but that is exactly what your wife does to ahslynnn buy calling her skinny and 'larger nosed'. No way is it editing that made her sound like that she is clearly a biased mom. this is even shown at the end when breanne is like 'mommy told me I win'. I really feel sorry for poor ahslynn, she is such a pretty girl.

Anonymous said...

I really felt bad for that little girl. It was sad to watch. But I commend dad for trying to handle it

Anonymous said...

Nasty, horse-faced bitch. I hope Barry gets his balls out of her purse before she permanently destroys AshLynn's self-worth.

Anonymous said...

What a nasty piece of work she is! That poor child is mentally abused. The 'mother' is no oil painting but seems to think her other twin gets her good looks from her! Look in the mirror sometime dear :)

Gia'sMom said...

I just watched and was outraged with her treatment of Ashlynn. It was like a modern day Cinderella, she never would have let Breann wear a ripped dressed. She would have been fine if he wanted to pull Ashlynn from the pageant but tried to save Breann. I commend the father for putting his foot down but he should deal with Jamie on how she treats Ashlynn. I am so glad the Director saw in Ashlynn something her own mom didn't even see. I pray for Ashlynn growing up with a mom like Jamie and pray that Mr. Sterling protects her better

Anonymous said...

I just watched this re-run episode in Australia and i am appalled. I cried for the little poor thing, i felt such pain for her when she would say things with low self esteem at age 6. This is disgusting, and i was so angry i had to google if others saw what i saw.

Im still upset and im not going to type what i yelled out to the tv when the mother said breane took after her looks, what a WITCH.

So upset.

Fiona said...

You are SO right!! Looking most like mom in this case is NOT a good thing!

Fiona said...

THANK YOU!!! Exactly my reaction to her ridiculous comment!!

Fiona said...

IDIOT!! ALL it teaches these children is that your outward appearance is ALL that matters!!! & that having the thousands of dollars to buy the best clothes, best hair, best tan, makeup, nails, shoes, etc is what wins. Shallow & superficial..& the majority of these kids don't even want to be there!

Fiona said...

AGREE 1000%!! Not cute!

Yang Kuo said...

You are SO right!! Looking most like mom in this case is NOT a good thing!

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Anonymous said...

Something makes me think you work a little too much to see what was actually happening at your home...or you were drugged...possibly both?

Also, didnt a divorce happen?

412tax said...

I've researched this episode and the dad was totally against pageants,they both said it on the show.'That's a significant concern I have putting them against each other' and by opposing what Jamie's does would cause friction in our marriage'that wasn't edited.The dress her saying ones prettier etc etc are not edited.That child will have a complex and you can tell while she's holding her one crown but her sister wants it even though she's got loads.Disgusting parenting and not editing

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